FAQ: How do I troubleshoot V Series and P Series DAW controllers in Cubase?
This article is applicable to the V1-M and V1-X, the P1-M and P1-X, and the P1-Nano.
Firstly, please remember the order in which the different elements should be launched;
If your controller isn't being recognized by Cubase or the faders aren't working properly, make sure you're running the most recent firmware and double-check your settings, connections (make sure you’re using the supplied cable), and that power is reaching the units.
Next, open your iMap and update the firmware on your device. Please note that, by clicking on the ‘title’ of the device in the V1-M/X and P1-M/X iMAPs, you may change the iMAP as illustrated below;
The P1-Nano iMAP does not change as it is designed as a self-contained device.
Alternatively, V1-M/X and P1-M/X users may select their device from the drop down menu of the P1-M/X and V1-M/X iMaps;
For clarification on extender positions (i.e. V1-X1-7 or P1-X1-7), please see this article;
https://support.iconproaudio.com/hc/en-us/articles/22005003653901-FAQ-How-to-Set-Extender-Positions-on-V1-X-and-P1-X-DAW-Control-Extenders (How to Set Extender Positions on the V1-X and P1-X DAW Controller Extenders).
If you have one or more extenders (i.e. P1-X or V1-X units), please make you switch them off when updating firmware for the main unit, (P1-M or V1-M). Similarly, when updating the firmware for any extenders you may have, (P1-X/V1-X units) please ensure you turn all other units off. Only connect the device you are updating and do this one at a time.
Please ensure you are updating using the correct iMAP. It is always worth double-checking this to make sure you are not updating, say the V1-M with the V1-X iMAP or vice versa.
It is also advisable to disconnect all other USB peripherals when updating firmware.
Please ensure your device is connected directly to your computer using the cable supplied by iCON Pro Audio when updating firmware. Under no circumstances should you update firmware when connected to a USB hub of any kind.
Firmware update is a simple process. Simply click ‘Firmware Upgrade’. Please heed the advice provided in the window which is then launched, i.e.;
Please note, this guidance may be updated from time to time and that you should read these warnings carefully each time you update firmware, on each device.
Now, click Start - the process will then auto-complete;
Once the firmware update is complete, please leave the iMap open and turn your attention to Cubase.
First, please make sure your iMap shows that Cubase is listed as the first DAW for both the main unit and extender (if you have one).
Next, go to ‘Studio setup’ in Cubase. There, please look under the ‘Remote Devices’ section.
Click on ‘Mackie Control’. Ensure your settings show the first unit i.e. that it is set as the INPUT and OUTPUT port 1 for the Primary unit, if you have one or more extenders (for example the order of devices is from right to left, P1-M/V1-M and then the P1-X/V1-X unit/s).
Next, add another Mackie Control slot (if you haven’t already), if you have an extender.
This will be ‘Mackie Control 2’ . Ensure the INPUT and OUTPUT port 1 are set as the Extender unit.
Once complete, make sure you have clicked ‘APPLY’ for all units.
With each additional extender, you must add a further instance of Mackie Control.
For the P1-Nano, or if you have the main unit only (i.e. a P1-M or a V1-M), please ensure you have one instance of Mackie Control and that it is assigned to your controller.
If you have any other unused Mackie Control slots, please delete them by clicking the trash can at the top left corner, beside the ‘Add Devices’ tab.
Close Cubase and re-launch.
Remember, the order in which you should launch the different elements is;
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