PRO TOOLS: In Pro Tools A Message Appears Saying 'Pro Tools Is Unable To Communicate With HUI'
If you are seeing this message, please wait for it to appear again and check the box labeled "Don't show this again" on the pop-up window.
If this does not solve the issue, Windows users may need to run their ProTools instance as Administrator to clear up this bug. To do this, close ProTools, right click your ProTools icon, and click 'run as administrator'.
If your pop-up window does not provide this check box to disable these error messages, please check the version of Pro Tools you are using. Please note that our hardware is only compatible with Pro Tools 9 and above.
Do you have plans for compatible with Pro Tools 12?
hola yo cliquea en la casilla que decia no mostrar es mensaje. ahora aveces se congela controlador y tengo que reiniciar todo. puede haber una falla de la qcon pro x?
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