FAQ: How do I rectify malfunctions experienced when updating the wrong firmware for units with extenders (QCon Pro X/XS, Platform M+/X+ and QCon G2/Ex)?
On rare occasions, some users may mistakenly install the wrong firmware on their devices. The most common scenario, (although still rare) is users mistakenly updating the extender firmware with the main unit firmware, resulting in a degree of malfunction.
Let’s take a closer look at this.
To illustrate this point, let’s use an example of the iCON QCon Pro X and XS units. The principle will equally apply to the iCON QCon G2 and Ex G2 units as well as the Platform M+ and X+ (main units and extenders).
Here, we see the iMAP for the Pro X/XS below. By clicking the title of the iMap , we can see it changes to the Pro XS (fig. 2) i.e. the iMAP is really two iMAPs in one. The user must select the correct device to update the firmware successfully.
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Let’s explore the possibility that a user (let’s call them ‘Daphne’), has updated the wrong firmware for the wrong device. Let’s say they’ve updated the Pro XS with Pro X firmware by mistake.
The first step Daphne may wish to take is to reboot their devices/computer and update firmware correctly i.e., select the correct device in the iMAP and update. This may resolve the issue.
If this does not have the desired result, then Daphne may need to relaunch the iMAP in the mode in which they updated the firmware in.
In other words, if Daphne’s Pro XS has been updated with the Pro X firmware, the Pro XS thinks it is a Pro X. Therefore, Daphne must launch the iMAP in Pro X mode and go into firmware upgrade mode in the usual way.
All other controllers MUST be switched off at this point to prevent confusion and potentially exacerbate the issue further.
Let’s say that Daphne has switched off all controllers and devices apart from the one they wish to correct, namely the Pro XS. After they have clicked ‘Connect’ (Step 1), they select the device from the drop-down list. The device will be listed as the device they updated it as – so whilst the ‘physical’ unit may be a Pro XS, if Daphne had mistakenly updated it as a ‘Pro X’ main unit, it will be listed as such.
Daphne selects the device from the list. Once selected, another box appears, and Daphne presses ‘OK’. Daphne then closes down boxes ‘A’ and ‘B’, leaving them with just the iMAP onscreen.
Daphne now switches the iMAP to the Pro XS iMAP i.e. by clicking the title on the iMAP (as in fig. 2) and goes back into firmware upgrade mode. Daphne successfully uploads the firmware for their Pro XS extender and can now continue making her groovy Drum and Bass music.
Should Daphne have been unsuccessful in re-establishing the correct firmware on her Pro XS, she would need to contact the technical support team here; https://support.iconproaudio.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
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